How To Build A Free Website highest bidding Extraordinary

Hello friend I love blog visitors ... Here is a blog T1927 want to share tips on tricks highest bidding to build a free website and a large-scale. This is a basic guideline we need to know about the vision and mission of the most important for a blog or website. So should host skipper please take a minute to read this, who knows beneficial.

First, we need to know about the vision and mission of a blog / website

  • vision

  is the goal. This understanding of the logic of the most easily understood. at The
Generally, the first purpose of a blog / website is looking for
traffic / visitor / visitor, et al. If there are visitors, meaning our blog there
which read, we do not read for yourself. The more visitors it will
the higher the value of our website. The next benefit will follow

  • mission
The mission is
method / technique / trick / practice to achieve the goal. Gampangannya so.
In general, humans hold the economic principles in life, namely
spend as little as possible but can give results
as much as possible. In order to have a website without charge, but
have high traffic, then we have to create a website with hosting
free yet powerful in the competition in the search engines.

  • How to get started
1. Create a free website with blogs, for example blogger / blogspot. Free hosting will allow us to upload files as much as possible without thinking about space / lease hosting. This means we win one step, because it does not have to pay any money to rent hosting.

2. In order to be placed on the first page of search engines, then we must have a domain that is SEO. The way we have to redirect subdomain free into the top level domain top level domain (TLD). Example of be You only need to pay the registration / renewal of domain names around Rp. 100.000, - per year. (one hundred thousand dollars / year). Cheap is not it?

  • Excess top level domain (dotcom), among others

A top-level domains can not be expelled by a free blog if it had been perched on the first page of search engines, even you will easily ejecting all titles owned free blog in a short time. Blog title and the title of your post will repel titles free blog owned dare emulate. Even compete with other top-level domains were, they had to fight tooth and nail if you want to boost your position on the first page of search engines.

B. The top level domain more easily indexed by Bing and Yahoo. We all know that in order to appear in bing and yahoo not take long for the subdomain. If using a top level domain, the blog will appear with ease in bing and yahoo submit without submit it here. This means that we do not lose visitors from yahoo and bing. We will get visitors from the three major search engines, namely Google, yahoo, and bing. The results of our traffic will increase three-fold.

C. In terms of appearance, the top level domain cooler when compared with subdomains, although we both use free hosting. Moreover, even if the article you dicopas people but they will remain on the back number. At least the article we will still have good visibility on search engines. Finally, we will not worry about your article is missing from the SERP although dicopas many people.
How to bring traffic

Generating traffic can not be instant, but need to process and time.

1. Write down as much as possible the original article. Original article does not have a rival though the topics you write often found on the internet. This means that the article we have added value that would be a good ranking by the search engines even though the age of your blog is still relatively young. In other words, our articles are easily found by the readers of our blog though no homework. The more the number of the original post, the more did the number of visitors.

But all that hard work and patience. This means that we must diligently updated regularly though can only update one article every day. Update on a regular basis is not an easy job, and more difficult than updating hundred articles but only once. If we can implement this simple way, so do not worry we do not bertrafik website. Although the slow but sure, because every day there must be an increase.
  • Add On
If we Copy paste another article, it will only make us tired alone and to no avail. Since the article we will be buried by hundreds of the same article, while the air-pagerank blog is low. Although we have a thousand articles but results copasan, then no one will read. Maybe that is read only our own.

If you want mengcopas articles from other blogs but you want traffic, the first study of the article until you really understand. After that you write in a style that does not happen duplicate content and tambahilah with your own information in order to have the value-added, so it is useful for the reader. And do not forget to write down the source with active links as an appreciation for the owner of the work.

How to Increase Blog Visitors With Internal Internal links

Increase the number of visitors to the blog using onpage seo methods in the most correct and appropriate. The technique is to provide a link between the posts linked with other posts as well as provide a description sentence on each link. This does not violate the webmaster quality guidelines and will provide a great experience for users. Readers will not be disturbed by internal links, even will offer useful information for them.

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