Tutorials1927 - Although in general the financial services industry in a healthy condition, it must be acknowledged a slowdown in performance. Financial Services Authority (FSA) view, one of the sectors which experienced a slowdown among other national banks.
"The increase in the construction sector credit in line with government programs that focus on infrastructure," Faith said in Jakarta, Thursday (12/2).
Judging from the capital adequacy ratio or the Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) in December 2014, also decreased. Recorded only by 19.57 percent compared to November 2014, amounting to 19.67 percent.
FSA noted, in terms of profitability or the bank's ability to generate profits for a certain period, relatively good. This is reflected in the ratio of net interest margin (NIM) and return on assets (ROA) each grew 4.24 percent and 2.85 percent.
For the insurance industry is still brilliant. The investment value of the insurance industry increased by 2.12 percent to Rp 616.2 trillion in December 2014. The investment value of the pension fund increased by 0.91 percent or Rp 180.4 trillion from Rp 178.7 trillion.
As for the conditions in the Stock Market, during January 2015 Composite Stock Price Index (CSPI) continued to strengthen driven strengthening property sector, consumer goods, various industrial, trade and finance. But on the other hand the index decline occurred in the agricultural sector, basic industries, infrastructure and mining.
"The weakening of the agricultural sector and the mining index is influenced by the continuing downward trend in world commodity prices," he said.
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