Tutorials1927 - Predicting the future is not an easy task. Moreover, if the future is related to self-protection and the protection of the reserve fund. There was no one who wanted to meet the future with misfortune. Ironically, not many people are aware that the future is uncertain so it should have been calculated risk early on, then it is because we need to have insurance awareness.
The survey was initiated by the AIA, in collaboration with Insight MarkPlus in 2011, found that three out of five Indonesian people do not have the preparation if facing health risks or death. Not only reserve fund in case, but they do not protect themselves and their families with insurance when facing an unexpected disaster.
See Also : learn more about insurance
The survey also found the gap between the need for protection and the funds available, either from insurance or reserve funds with an average of Rp 106 million or 77 percent of the estimated total value of the risk.
Only 17.5 percent of Indonesia in the big cities who already have life insurance. Whereas nationally, only 16 percent of Indonesia who already have life insurance (Insurance Indonesia 2009, Bapepam-LK).
Very few people in Indonesia who have life insurance. One reason is because the insurance is still considered a luxury item. Insurance is considered as an ideal item idealized and expected to be achieved by increasing revenue.
In fact, the more the cost of treatment more expensive. Based Global Medical Trends Survey Report 2011 from Towers Watson, the cost of treatment in Indonesia has risen 10 percent to 14 percent in the last three years. These costs will continue to rise in the next five years along with the growing use of new medical technologies that participate boost overall health service costs.
Fallacy perception about insurance might not have happened if we receive sufficient information complete. Until now, there are still many people who rely on the future to fate alone. Then, after rectifying this mistake, then we can begin to build awareness of the importance of preparing for the possibility of an uncertain future.
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