Activities To Stimulate Intelligence Children

Tutorials1927 - A child is a personal still easily formed. In shaping a child needed help from parents. Parents play an important role in this process, especially in the process of Intelligence children. Humans have five senses are used to absorb the information and knowledge from the outside. Five senses is what should be trained to produce a bright child. So how do I train?

1. Communicate
Communication is the most important thing in a child's learning process. By communicating a child can get a lot of information and new knowledge. In addition, it also can improve the closeness between parents and children. With this proximity, the process of "knowledge transfer" from parents to children can run well.

2. Repeating and repeating
Educating a child it takes patience. Perhaps a child will ask you the same thing, although we feel ever teach. But this is the process for a child to absorb knowledge. We do not need to get angry to say, "Well ... Yesterday's already Papa love to know ..." But still explaining and answering the questions asked by the fruit of our hearts with patience. With repetition will become a habit. It can also be applied in the moral formation of our baby. Teach children the importance grateful, to us a lot to thank the baby and to others, especially in front of our baby.

3. Variations movement
Variations of movement can also increase the intelligence of children. That is why taking children go to the playground is very important. This is because the baby we can perform a wide variety of movements using games in the playground. Starting from hanging, crawl, play sand, running, jumping, climbing and others. It must also be done in our own homes, with the guidance of parents.

4. Play and Listen to Music
Play and listen to music, in addition to educating children, is also believed to increase the sensitivity of children to the state of the environment. It is very beneficial for the child in social intelligence. Excellent music to be heard the child is classical music, for classical music is very soft and very beautiful rhythm.

5. Exercise
Exercise is also very important for the child, so that the baby has immunity from various diseases. If not possible, we do not need to invite our baby exercise difficult, such as basketball and football. Simply by walking together on the weekends. This will be very good for the fitness of the child.

6. Good nutrition and a balanced
Maybe we all know, a good diet is a diet that contains vegetables, meat, and rice, and added milk. So that children do not get bored with the menu the food we provide, we must be good to provide a varied food menu kapada our baby. If you want to use for the child supplement, you should consult a physician nutritionist, to be safe and good for the health of the child.

7. Game Touch and feel
One example is a touch game by giving the children a wide variety wake up, and then ask the child to touch these objects and guess what objects are touched with his eyes closed. While the game smell a rat, can be done by giving the children a wide variety of objects (eg soap, perfume, onions, etc.), then ask the child smell a rat thing and guess what that dibau with eyes closed. This kind of game is mostly done by kindergarten teachers to increase the sensitivity of the sense of touch and smell children. Of course also aims to make children become more intelligent. As a parent, of course the game is also not hard to do at home instead? Of course, we also make a variety of other games related to train their sense of touch and smell sensitivity of the child.

8. Guessing Color
This game aims to train the child's sense of vision. We can do this by asking our baby to guess the color of objects that are nearby, such as in a home. It would be interesting if we could buy our baby a colorful game, so that our baby could be more interested to learn while playing.

9. Children's Storytelling Create
Storytelling activity was also very good. With storytelling, we can invite children to explore the various senses. The first of course the sense of hearing, because that the child knows the story of what we dongengkan, the child must listen. Then the sense of sight. This can be done by painting on paper what we dongengkan, so that children can imagine as well. But if we tell stories with a story book, we can show the pictures in the book are the stories we dongengkan. In this case, we must also be clever in choosing books for children. Of course, is a picture story book that has a colorful and interesting. You can get an assortment of fairy tale here.

10. Singing
Good songs to be sung by a child of course is a children's song. Moreover, inspiring songs and have educational value for children. You can find it here (secured songs educating, inspiring, and motivating).

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