He checks into a clinic, the result is: no protein in the urine. Consult a physician of Urology, her ultrasound revealed no kidney stones on either side and had an operation to take the stone in the right kidney. While in the left kidney stones can be taken ESWL alone, without the need for surgery. Since it was shocked to hear the word "operation", the wife continue consultations. Doctors recommend CT Urology for details. Information from the doctor: kidney stones include the type of "rock antler" because of the large size has almost covered the renal calices, if not taken, the consequences 2:

The rock will descend to cover the ureter, the patient may die
If the patient is alive, it must dialysis
Patients seek a second opinion to some other urologist. The result is the same: to be operating. Intends to try BPJS, referred to the hospital BPJS partner, who turned away far from home. Finally it was decided to use health insurance from the office alone, with consideration: RS partner close to home. Making it easier for the wife to back and forth, and eventually leave the toddler at home.
Because doctors already know procedures for insurance claims, and he minimizes confirmation from the insurer to the patient's case. Given the flurry he handle many more patients need time, rather than have to answer questions from the insurer. So to speed up service and action, a doctor's advice: if you want to take advantage of health insurance office, the inclusion of the ER alone. Instead of the clinic.
The procedure is followed, the operation is performed. Apparently after postoperative observation, it was found the blood still seeps out of the kidneys. continued observation. If the seepage is found more and more, it had to be operated again. Patients increasingly uncomfortable to hear the results of observation, was still postoperative pain, plus careful not quiet, imagine my wife and kids ... It is with mixed feelings ...
Vent wife at home: "shock to hear an explanation of the consequences if the doctor does not operate. Whereas patients fear surgery. With consideration: while there's still young, post-operative recovery will be easier than postponed. Sad, at home just crying. High fever toddler at home, while her husband was still in the hospital post-operative observation. Coupled to doctors about the seepage was ... haduh "
I'm not in that position, but I can feel how when in the position of the patient and what if there is in his position. If you could say: when in his case "only" kidney stone surgery alone, the feeling of the patient and his wife could be so excited ...
What if the case is more severe than that ????
A valuable lesson I got from this case:
Health insurance is important to be able to replace the cost of the hospital when a patient should be performed medical procedures and hospitalization, but can not replace the "hidden costs". What are the hidden costs? because the case "only" kidney stone operation, the hidden costs may be just this: accommodation of family members waiting patients.
Being in the position of wife. He reached can only weep at home as pictured her husband in hospital. Though his case "only" kidney stone surgery, the recovery could still be even if it takes time, his wife cried a lot at home. Ever imagined, (because the husband was healthy, exercise, no complaints) what if that happens is this: there is detected late husband stones in kidneys, resulting in consequences as it was delivered doctor?
What if his case to kidney failure? Patients should be alternating dialysis, and it must continue ??? Certainly:
The wife could not even cry anymore because it is dry tears
Wife can not focus: 2 children (school-age and toddlers). Shuttle between the work of the sister school, toddler left, and back and forth to accompany her husband to the hospital. Because his wife could not have a steering wheel, automatic request assistance for the steering wheel opa
If the patient was given the longevity, quality of life declines, reduced work productivity, the company may be asked to stop. What does it mean? Income can be stopped as well. While his wife works as "Wonder Mom", aka housewife extraordinary. Perhaps, the cost of medical action can be covered health insurance. However, what about the cost of his life?
When patients were given a short lifespan, it is definitely income also stops. How does the cost of living family left behind? How do you plan to send children as high? How itinerary worship? How to pay off the mortgage and the car? How???
I believe in fortune is set. But there is no harm in preparing for the good of the beloved family, if the worst happens risks. Family financial plan has been accurate to you? Do not forget to set aside a little of your income to protect your income.
Prepare the protection needs and your financial capabilities.
Allianz has a rider CI100, which is an added benefit of protection against 100 different types of critical illness, cover up to 100 years of age customers. Which includes critical illness for a kidney is the case:
Removal of one kidney (early stage, liquid 50% UP)
Chronic Kidney Disease (early stage, liquid 50% UP)
Renal failure (advance stage, liquid 100% UP)
* definition of each case more clearly exist in policy
Cases of critical illness is a condition that requires huge cost. If your financial support, then make sure you have greater protection, not just exist.
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