Tutorials1927 - Here's an article that focuses on children's learning patterns and problems. Lots of questions about it that appears on our website, circumstances regarding the child's learning problems. We will understand and learn about the psychological factors why children in conflict with the values in the school. Before we further interact, understand that the value or number (symbol) is not the only determinant of the success of the child later in the future. All that happened when he was the school will not be used much later, so what education model that will be used a child until he is an adult and can be inherited? Yes, educate and instill character in the fields of success since the beginning of his character.
Well what happens behind this problem. A child, who can work on the problems at home and then failed when he repeats. For the same things and it repeatedly, then there are three things you need to be aware of:
1. You need to suspect that a child is experiencing anxiety hidden
You must be not possible? he worried where ... .kenapa koq he worried?
Hidden anxiety is caused by many factors. Yes, so it could be too high demands of our parents or perhaps even from his teacher. This demand can not make the child showed optimal quality. So that when the replay, what comes to mind is the fear that he could not meet tutuntan of the parents. Or the demands of the teacher as possible. Well you know, when we were worried that we could not think jernih.Anda certainly never experienced it not? when you're anxious, moderate stress. Then the trivial course can be forgotten. Well this is what happens to our children. They are worried because our demands are too high, or the necessity to master something.
When they feel inadequate, the anxiety that haunts his mind. And what they have learned before suddenly "blank", at the time of repetition. It also often happens to us. Do you remember when you first lecture? Probably still in high school even? When we repeat suddenly suddenly forgot the answer should we write there. Though last night obviously we've learned, it is. So when we face a replay suddenly lost the answer. Especially when the teacher or lecturer say 5 minutes you have to collect, and the time is up. Okay, the more we are forced finally we are stressed and eventually we forget. And strangely, when we've been collecting pieces of the answer, out of the exam room suddenly the answer comes to mind. "Ahh .." why not from the earlier emergence, you definitely grumbling to yourself. You have experienced it not?
Well this is what happens to our children. So when they repeat, then you should not until they were anxious. Demands - demands we make them anxious. Therefore we need self introspection, whether during the time we have received them as is. Yes, most of us hope that they are good value. But once the value of their ugly, we start demanding them. "Why do you value ugly scar?" Rarely there are parents who say, "oh yes I can understand you na, what mama / papa able to help to better your score next time again". So when a child has a bad value, the things we need to do is to first understand his feelings. I am sure the child does not want its value is ugly and even then, not just us. He too did not want its value is ugly of course. But the reality faced by others.
When the value is ugly, she was sad but we even scold him. He would feel that he does not understand and do not understand. On the other days of anxiety that arises in him. He will feel, "oh if I'm ugly again I definitely scolded again", "I certainly disappoint my mama". Once there was one case where a child does not want to go to school that day because there is repetition. He told me scared ma mama, "why be afraid?" Asked her mother. "I am afraid of disappointing my mama if value ugly". And is made by a child class 2 SD. Well, the mother of the incident learned that during this time, he used to say "mama nga problem with your values". But the fact she made her anxious. So sometimes we as parents just say, "do not .. I do not issue any value koq". But it was only in the mouth alone. in fact the child feels different, he felt the demands of parents that are too high.
Well, for this problem should we need correction ourselves how can we accept a child for what it is, regardless of its value. Remember it only indicates the value actually he was able or belum.Berbahagialah when the value of your child's ugly. Because of what? Now you know where he was not able to. Good teaching should be addressed to improve the child so that he can competently in the field. Not to label him smart or stupid.
2. For the other is negative because treatments that never received a child could be at home, be at school.
For example, when a child value is ugly, then we raved and ranted at him, even perhaps in the law. Tell standing in the corner, not allowed to eat. Or anything that we can do to it. Well when he received the treatment, then the treatment will imprint on the memory. Next when he repeat again on another occasion that the clay in pieces because he is not a matter that should be read, but the faces of his parents who are angry. This face suddenly appeared pictured in his mind. You can imagine if we are dealing with exam questions and then that arises is terrified faces of parents who are angry, because we can not. Or maybe that teachers face embarrassing us in front of our friends. So all that we have learned suddenly become lost and eventually ulangannya ugly.
Well, if this happens you should need to immediately apologize to your child. You simply say, "the other day replay time you ugly, and then papa or mama mad at you then you feeling how?" The answer whatever your child take for granted. Let him answer, I fear, I feel it was anything that you just say "Okay Sorry, papa may then slipped out the way. Or maybe when it mama off control so scold you too deep. But actually mean very good mama. You would not forgive mama? Another Mama appointment times will support you if you value ugly, we will find a solution together and you may wonder how to make your own mama good value. You must kepengen ye also good value too, right? "Well, it certainly is much better for the child. Instead we just scolded him, asking him to learn, forcing him to learn without completely admit his feelings for affection and to be accepted for what it is.
3. For the other is the lack of quality care.
You may ask, "Where ah maybe I did not pay attention to my child". Yes, I trust and believe that every parent would notice anaknya.Tetapi sometimes attention we give it does not fit with what is desired by the child, by which I mean the concern here is that berkuwalitas attention. In a sense we also consider the child's feelings. Not Just pay attention to the tasks that he must slesaikan. Most of us just pay attention-duty tasks that must be resolved by a child. We just noticed you already do such homework yet? you've learned yet? pencil you already diraut yet? Tomorrow if you've got a pencil replications or bolpointnya? The book you have you siapin yet? we only pay attention to the physical aspects. We do not pay attention to aspects of the child's feelings.
Though much attention dibutuhkanseorang child is going to feelings that he was really accepted in full by the parents. You can give this berkuwalitas attention better, by reading my article entitled "The Importance of Understanding the Emotional Needs Children". It is one of the best ways to provide quality care to your child.
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