Tutorials1927 - Before I further study about the topics to be discussed this time, then I will share about learning. Yes, the process of learning how the brain absorbs information. This is often overlooked, we as parents or teachers often wants to "force" the child understands about something and "run" like a computer, give the command and press "ENTER".
Of research in various parts of the world that continues to grow, the results of research on the technique of absorption of information to the brain is divided into 5 stages:
- Reading the percentage absorption of information 10%
- Hearing with the percentage of 20% absorption of information
- Hearing and Seeing with a percentage of 50% absorption of information
- Said the percentage of absorption of information 70%
- Saying and doing the percentage absorption of information 90%
1. Seeing and Hearing
There is a learning process and there are examples of teaching. If in the course of school teachers who will speak, if the parental home. As a teacher would have to give an example and a model of the desired character protege, how and teach "how to Achieve". So basically all the teachers at school can be a character education teacher, if it is committed to be an example and to explain how so that students can have a character like his teacher. Similarly, parents who are at home, only 30% of students are in school, social environment 10-15% and the rest at home. Then the largest portion parents become to their children's character education teacher.
A child of the baby, he did not know the language. When she was little she learned to see an example, he learned the way, open the door, turn on the television, all seeing. And this learning process continues in our adult lives. So do not assume trivial in our attitude and behavior to give a good example untum character education of children.
2. Saying and Doing
This is connected with the applicable rules and systems in the learning environment of character education (school and home). How the rules at school and at home in harmony with the goal of character education. Well I will give an example, in Indonesia, Surabaya in particular I can still carelessly dismiss public transport. Where I see no public transportation, I live just raise your hand so that public transport will stop. This could apply in Surabaya, but not in Singapore. If I moved to Singapore then I could not dismiss offhand public transport, there is a special place where public transport is going to stop. Then I will change the behavior follow the rules, I would to stop if you want to ride public transportation.
So in character education is also needed this kind of setting, setting the environment to support behavior Doing that would eventually get used to. As there is a saying "be as usual", as well as new rules in traffic. In recent years many new rules so that roads can usually two-way to one-way only to the effectiveness of road users, and avoid congestion. If we violate it will be ticketed. The first might be hard, but after 1 month was used, no longer load. Humans are adaptable creatures, heavy if it is run continuously, so long accustomed to. In doing this pattern do not forget to give consequences if violated, of course, the consequences of which educate and do not damage the self-esteem of children. Example: if it violates the child's favorite toy will be confiscated for 2 days.
With that character education is applied in a systematic and sustained, a child will be emotionally intelligent. Emotional intelligence is an important provision in preparing children for the future, because one would be easier successfully face all sorts of challenges of life, including the challenge to succeed academically.
But for some families, perhaps systematic character education process above is very difficult, especially for some parents who are stuck on a solid routine. Therefore, character education should also be given when children enter the school environment, especially since the play group and kindergarten. This is where the role of the teacher, which in Javanese philosophy called "digugu emulated lan", is at stake. Because the teacher is the spearhead in the class, which deal directly with learners.
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