Importance of Character Education In Education World

Before we discuss this topic further I will provide the data and the following facts:
  1. 158 heads of regions involved corruption throughout 2004-2011
  2. 42 members of the House dragged corruption in the period 2008-2011
  3. 30 members of the House of Representatives 1999-2004 involved BI DGS election bribery case
  4. Corruption cases occur in various institutions such as the Commission, KY, the Commission, Directorate General of Taxation, BI, and BKPM

Source: Compass Research

Tutorials1927 - Now after reading the above facts, what is think you? Try to look up a little, more precisely the title of this article. Well, it is my suggestion for some cases of heart in the chest that makes us "jerked" reads the behavior of state officials.
Importance of Character Education In Education WorldCharacter education, now it is absolutely necessary not only in school, but at home and in the social environment. Even now this is no longer a participant character education early childhood through adolescence, but also adults. Absolutely necessary for the survival of this nation.
Imagine what kind of competition that arises in the year 2021? Clearly it would be our burden and parents today. At that time, the children of today will face competition with colleagues from different parts of the countries in the World. In fact we are still going to work year will feel the same feelings. Demands the quality of human resources in 2021 would require good character.
However, the character is the key to the success of the individual. From an American study, 90 percent of cases of dismissal due to bad behavior as irresponsible, dishonest, and poor interpersonal relationships. In addition, there are other studies which indicate that 80 percent of a person's success in society is determined by the emotional quotient.
From the psychological point of view, I see a decline kulaitas "psychological age" the 21-year-old child in 20011, with children aged 21 in 2001. The purpose of the psychological age is the age of maturity, the age of eligibility and appropriateness are directly proportional to the biological age . If the child is now 21 years old they are as old as 12 or 11 years. Sorry if this is shocking and painful.
Though not all, but most I have met have such a tendency. I repeatedly in cooperation with the age of the child and the result is less than the maximum. I do not "give up" Air repeated cooperate with them. And by accident I found this pattern tends to recur, I observe and evaluate their behavior and character. Back again remember, schools are generally not given the education to cope with the competition in the world of work. So there is a survey that said the average after-school child needs 5-7 years to adapt to the world of work and the average in the 5-7 years of work moved to 3-5 times. Hmm .. and this process is often referred to as the process of self-discovery. My question looking for "self" in self or outside the self? "My job fitting what? Try this kerjain lah "and if no match to move to the other. Why not taught in school, so that the child live a life in the real world do not have problems even less so desperate for growing feelings of inadequacy in her lifetime and imprisoned by the false belief.
For Indonesia today, character education also means doing business in earnest, systematically and continuously to awaken and strengthen the awareness and confidence of all Indonesian people that there will be no better future without the build and strengthen the character of the people of Indonesia. In other words, there is no better future can be realized without honesty, without increasing the self-discipline, without persistence, without the spirit of learning, without developing a sense of responsibility, without fostering unity amidst diversity, without the spirit of contributing to the progress together, and without a sense of confidence and optimism. This is our challenge Indonesian nation, capable?
Theodore Roosevelt said: "To educate a person in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society" (Educate someone in the intelligence aspects of the brain and not the moral aspect is the threat of danger to the public-mara)

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