Education in the Family

Tutorials1927 - Education in the family is the responsibility of the parents, the role of the mother more. Because I usually go to work and less at home, the mother and child relationship is more prominent. Although the role of the father is also very important, especially as a role model and giving guidelines. If the child is approaching adulthood father's role as advisor is also important, because it can provide different aspects of a given mother. Therefore, the relationship father and son limited time, especially on weekdays, the father must try to get the day off allows more time to be with children.
If the family income depends on revenue dad inadequate for family life can cause problems in education are not small. There are different opinions about education in the family, which is about giving freedom to the child. Some argue that since the beginning should be given maximum freedom to the child. In this case the child's education factor has ended before the child is an adult. In fact proven that families who apply family education can produce individuals who become good children. Education in the family can be a major influence on the character of the child. Therefore, the key to making a good children's personalities into which mainly lies in education within the family.

And the characters are grown is a very important factor in the child's personality, as much influence achievement in various fields. Science and engineering capabilities are essential for the achievement of success, but will not be able to achieve maximum results, if not accompanied by character. This is mainly because of the time factor is less a concern of character education. It's all got to be one of the important outcomes of education efforts, both within the family education, education and education in the public schools. However, because the education of children in the first dilmulai education in the family, the education in the family which should provide a basis which is then reinforced and equipped in school education and education in the community.

Finally, it depends on the parents themselves whether the guidelines were implemented or not. However, because naturally parents want their children to be good and successful, so many possibilities parents will seek to apply the guidance in their lives.

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