Character Education Of A Father

Tutorials1927 - There is a story, about a father who has been separated a long time with his son. For some reason, the boy ran away from home and the father look for it for months without success. Finally came the idea of ​​the father, to put an ad in the newspaper, most major newspapers and famous throughout the Capital. The sound of the ad: "Pato dear, meet me in front of the newspaper's offices, at 12 noon this Saturday. It's all I forgive, I love you son ". Last day in waiting for arrived, there were 800 people named Pato gathered seek forgiveness from a very loving father.
Character Education Of A FatherData from the statistics say that people who grow up without a father's love will grow with behavioral disorders, suicidal tendencies and become a ruthless criminal. Approximately 70% of the inmates with life sentences are people who grew up without a father (without the emotional closeness of his father).

1. Lessons For Survival. From father we will learn about a very complex subject about survival. Why is complex, because a lot of things that need to be in the "case" of stability in life. In the family, how the father role in the family, the mother treats us - that will be our example and duplication to our spouse. Help encourage children if there is a problem - we will do well in the future to our children (remember being a parent there is no school, we just imitate what our parents did to us). Economic life of the family, how the father role in terms of meeting the needs of families. In terms of survival we will learn from a father.

2. Career Issues. This one is important if we want to succeed financially and career, then fix our relationship with the father (for the already large) for the young father, berelasilah well with your child. Why? Of a father, will be "downgraded" the ability of a career and get the ease of a career. Remember the first point, fundamentally we learn survival and in the affairs of a father's work is "money machine". Relations between father and son will greatly help the child to reap success in the future when he entered the world of work.
Many of my clients are relationships and relationships destroyed by his father for a long time, and with all humility start a new relationship and mutual forgiveness then fortune also changed. Besides, it is also prayer of a father to his son like a "turbo" for the success of a child. Even prayer really done a father, a child is able to change career far beyond his father's career. Many cases occur in my treatment room, dead-end jobs just need to make it up to the father. Easy is not it?
A father figure is a very important figure present era. Because so many children lost a father figure and looking for her father's attention by doing what we call "mischief".
"I did it all for the family" is the classic answer that appear in the mouth of most fathers, "I work for anyone if it was not for the family", but what often happens is the family becomes a victim. I wish the best for the family but the family was the victim later and his future confusion, why all the family really chaotic, "one where?" Yes of course, you all know where is his fault, not.
A human being, will have a maximum life if "he was pardoned and unforgiving". It is essentially. For you are a father, will you forgive a child and apologize to the child for his kindness later dikehidupan future? And you yourself as a father would be very maximal father for the family and the environment around you.
The father, you are sorely missed and your children need to equip his future life. Do not spend the entire energy and time in the workplace, so that time is just residual energy at home and sat down to watch TV or read a newspaper. A child needs a hug and ears of his father to hear, understand what the child is told.

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