"Hello sir good morning, my wife Ani" there are enough voices across me know. I again asked people say "hi bu ani, how are you? What news ya ma'am? "Asked me to bu ani. "Well, I thank you sir, Cindy has not to curse again and now it is no longer hand maen" replied Mrs. Ani. "Well good Mom, what did you do, so Cindy changed drastically?" I asked. "Just do what you suggest, speaking at Cindy when she was sleeping".
Dear reader, the technique which I gave to bu ani is Hypnosleep, this is a technique that is quite easy and very powerful tool to change the character of the child. I will share how in detail. Many cases of children aged 10 years and under, even dewasapun (couples -istri), can resolve the problem with hypnosleep.
Tutorials1927 - I share some of the short stories deal with the problem by using hynosleep. My colleague called me ma'am ani, and lamented when his cindy (3.5 years) had a less pleasant aggressive behavior. Mrs. Cindy is the owner of the salon, an employee who works disalon are often beaten and pulled her hair by cindy. If cindy upset then, cindy will hit anyone who was near him (especially those who cindy know). After a brief telephone interview, was obtained from the mother's behavior ani cindy own, bu ani if scolding cindy then he hit his thigh. And this pattern is learned by cindy, if he is upset that he will hit. Then, I teach techniques Hypnosleep via telephone to the mother ani, and asked the mother ani to change the way he told cindy vent emotions, and give some advices to change the way bu ani against the development of the child. Finish the conversation got a call, 5 weeks later my mother ani contact again. It turns hitting the child's behavior has lost a total of only using hypnosleep and changed the outlook on growth and development of children. But there are other things that complained, "now cindy reply to curse pack" said Mrs. Ani on me. "Rude like what?" I asked. "If people do not understand the meaning of cindy, cindy desire is not fulfilled, he said, stupid, stupid," replied Mrs. ani. Then I tried to find where he learned this word, it turns out that due to employee ani mothers, who often joked with harsh words to his friend and cindy often play with employee bu ani. Then the same thing I ask bu ani to change the environment, give understanding to work for him and do hypnosleep. What happened? 1 month later, I received a report cindy changed drastically.
My colleague mita mother, have a husband who has a habit of "ngelelet" if the morning after waking up, so it is often too late if the mother mita to the workplace. After mencritakan with me, I suggest using hypnosleep. The next day the mother mita amazed amazement. Because her husband changed drastically, wake up immediately shower, not "ngelelet" again, and go to work together.
Do hypnosleep? Basically the same as hypnosis, of course, you understand the process of hypnosis. That is, those who are aware, then by induction technique lowered level of consciousness by focusing on one thing (voice therapist), so experience deep relaxation throughout the body then the suggestion given. That is the process that occurs in hypnosis. Well, the process is the opposite hypnosleep hypnosis. In hypnosleep we raise the consciousness of the child's condition to condition asleep Hypnosis (trance), then the suggestions given during hypnosis condition (trance), we increase awareness, then given the suggestion and after the child was put to sleep again. Well, step - step in providing hypnosleep are:
1. The first step is to make the suggestion that you convey in writing, so that we do not think to make sentences while doing hypnosleep. It should be short, concise and clear. Note also the use of the right words. The point is to say what we want with positive words, avoid negative words (not, do not, etc.)
2. Observe the number of breaths subjects. Should be 6-8 breaths per minute. This is to ensure that the subjects fell asleep. The most ideal is 6-7 breaths per minute.
3. Approach the subject gently to perform bypass for critical thought. Rocking the subject's body by holding his chin. Shake a little to the left and right while saying the following sentence accompanied by a steady tone of voice low and flat "It ... .. (your name or mama or papa) do the talking. You can hear ... .. (me, mama, papa) but keep a close eye! You can hear ... .. (me, mama, papa) but keep a close eye! You can hear ... .. (me, mama, papa) but still close your eyes! "
4. If the subject slept very soundly sentence above may need to be repeated several times so as to penetrate the subconscious level of the mind. Continue "If you listen to move the index finger or thumb that I touch. If you hear that I move the index finger touch. You can hear ... .. (me, mama, papa) but still close your eyes! "
5. Following the suggestion that you have read earlier stacking 3 or 4 times to ensure up to the subconscious.
6. Then cover with the following sentence: "If I stop talking and you will go back to sleep soundly like that. You will not remember what I said but you feel a change in yourself when you wake up tomorrow morning with very fresh. Now go back to sleep very soundly! "
7. When she made the suggestion, it should be with a belief that what we say is received and understood by children. Belief as to what I mean? As sure as if you eat crackers, it is definitely crushed crackers in your mouth.
8. The next day onwards act like there has been a change (continuation of point No. 7). If you have not seen a marked change should not be angry and negative thinking. Let the process of change going on in advance. If you need to repeat hypnosleep again in the evening with the same words.
9. Besides the suggestions given environment also needs to be changed to help change children's children, and facilitate change, the environment here including the attitude of the father, mother, caregiver, as well. Suppose a child like rant, then create an environment that no longer such a harsh word spoken.
10. When he started to show the changes to avoid using the words "yes now ngomongnya tumben How good?" Or words like that. Instead supported by the phrase "Good day to learn more and be able to speak it more politely huh?"
11. For each case sugestikan give it time to switch to the new changes in the other cases.
- Increasingly learning is a very fun activity
- From tomorrow onwards you will easily get up at 6 am.
- The more days you are getting the same dear brother / sister you.
- Starting tomorrow and so easy for you to learn to count
- The more the reading is fun.
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