Parenting Role In Shaping Character Kids

Parenting Role In Shaping Character Kids
"Do not worry that children do not listen to you, fear was that they are always watching you" - Robert Fulghum

Successfully educate children well are the dream of all the teachers and parents. Every teacher and parent would want their children to be successful and happy, but whether in fact that easy? The majority of parents have experienced difficulty in educating beloved baby
The teachers and parents, let me ask you .. Have we really think that the negative programs that (may) we inadvertently implanted into the subconscious mind of our children, will continue to dominate and control of his life - to make a mess in the future? If you're honest to evaluate yourself, it could be all of us, including me as a parent have been and are doing this for our children.

Citing what is disclosed Dorothy Law Nollte:
  1. If children live with criticism, he learns the curse
  2. If children live with hostility, he learned to fight
  3. If children live with ridicule, he learns the inferiority
  4. If children live with contempt, then he learned sorry for myself
  5. If children live with tolerance, he learned to control myself
  6. If children live with motivation, then he learns confidence
  7. If children live with tenderness, then he learned to appreciate
  8. If children live with security, then he learned to trust
  9. If children live with approval, then he learned to appreciate yourself
  10. If children live with love and friendship, he learns to find love in his life

Tutorials1927 - Honestly since I got married, I was very lucky to have a wife who is concerned with the development of our children. We remind each utterance that comes out of our mouths and our attitudes and behavior are "dangerous" for our children. We are well aware of the child does not need to be taught something through communication, just looked it was already studied and recorded in his brain. We are maintaining it.
As the title above is a character education parenting. For us parents, the character of what we want to instill in our children? Give an example of it in the attitudes and actions as well as words. So easy a child will mencontohnya and store it in his subconscious memory and will be reissued at the time of "no trigger". The point? When we give an example of respect and affection for our spouses, our children when married someday he will imitate the behavior of his parents to the spouse.
Now this is a very valid one aphorism "the fruit does not fall far from the tree" and that I feel the era when many of my clients who feel that life is the result of a "copy" of his parents. If his parents give a good effect is not a problem, but if the household messy as his parents then this is a disaster. Why is this happening? Well, I guess you already know the answer right?
Be a role model for our beloved baby, the first and initially the child will always learn from their immediate environment, namely parents. They absorb information with the good of their five senses. Not only the words of the parents but the attitude and behavior of parents will they absorb well, you do not even realize.
If our parents, want to know how much value you as parents in educating children, there is an easy way to know. The first report cards of our children at school time (play group or kindergarten), it is ours parents report cards, not the child. You can draw from these results, how the quality of the "product" (read: children) you. Well it is the beginning of the current report cards 3-5 years you have a family and educate children. But if you want to know the end result look at your child's life when he has to be in real life. Look interaction, how to speak and behave and if our parents are more observant and wise look at finances. The better your child's financial condition is directly proportional to the character of the children you (kosher of course).

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