tutorials1927 - Educating character is unique discussion, why is unique? Because this discussion can "run" anywhere, when we discuss human. And the problem of man is a job that is endless, from birth to death man many miraculous events and embarrassing happened in his life.
Humans are an important factor in creating a good life. A good and prosperous life that can be formed and created. The question is how to shape it?
Form of habit. For example, in Hong Kong traffic density is not seruwet in Jakarta, and even tends to slack and swing. With a population of around 8.8 million vehicle traffic in Hong Kong, including swing, even hectic days also swing. What people do not have a vehicle hongkong? No, it turns out in Hong Kong there are two lives, the lives of the world's top and bottom. The world over is the world I mean swing, but the underworld is a subway lines or subway.
Obviously denser transport activity in the underworld. Almost all the residents of Hong Kong using this facility. Although solid, but feel it is organized. Exit through the door to the right and go through the passenger side door left, neat and orderly. How could this happen?
It turns out this is a process of habituation, it is already in the habit since the child in elementary school, the school teaches these regularities from an early age. They are accustomed to do this, so that later they are accustomed. The reader as well, you know how much time is needed to form a character like this? Is 6 months? 1 year? It took quite a long process and needs to be cultivated.
Indonesia has ancestors who suave and very polite in relationships with others and their daily lives. But why to back (today), the value of the fade all? Australia, Aboriginal, they are far less civilized and far more brutal than our ancestors, but now they are in the category of countries that are very organized and the level of life that tend to prosper. Said a friend who told me. I also remembered when my colleague rather my thesis supervisor when she returned from Australia and we met in 2012. He told me, when the floods that crippled Brisbane, my lecturers including a lucky person because he lived in the flat which is rather high and unnecessary displaced. "People there are not selfish, homes still exist in each other occupants go, whether they know it or not. They knock the door they offer materials every meal and blankets, ask what we need, they share with ease and sincerity "," whether it's a special officer for disaster management that you come home? "I asked," rather, it is the neighbors I am the same boat with me, and they do not live in refugee "I shudder to hear the story. How they can live side by side like that and treat others who are not native to Australia like it, no strings attached.
If we can apply as our neighboring countries, the beauty of life and togetherness. Until finally I was told a fact that makes my brain "cramps" moment. It turned out to educate and inculcate in our neighboring country as it takes a minimum of 16 years, continuously and consistently. And to educate children to read and write and count no more than 6 months. Parents in Australia, not dizzy if children can not read and write, because it will be covered in the next 6 months, but the discipline and character formation is applied as early as possible, they know it is more important than just read and write at the age of 3-5 years.
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