Free Education Not Just Discourse

Tutorials1927 - In front of the Heroes Cemetery Blitar, East Java, on Monday (03/30/2015) around 06.00. School bus stop alternately, as well as city transportation shuttle drove students. A number of students down and shake hands as he expressed gratitude to the conductor or driver urban transportation.
The students were excited to go to school each around Monument Homeland Defense (map), the SMP 6, 5 SMP, SMP 3, and SMKN 3. SMP gate 6, has been waiting for a teacher, Yulistiyo Nor. Students who come immediately to shake hands and kiss the hands of the teacher.

School buses and shuttles are ready to pick up and drive them to school since 0530. Return to school for 12.00 until 14.00 too.

Special facilities free shuttle is not only enjoyed by students Blitar, but also students from Blitar. Students who are registered as residents of Blitar, the whole school needs has been financed, even bright students and not able to get a slate or tablet device.

Ajis Kurniawan, class III F SMP 6 Blitar, said, with digratiskannya all school fees, he increasingly focused learning. There are no dues pull anything since he sat in class I. "Bags, shoes, uniforms, and books also do not need to buy anymore," he said proudly.

Head SMP 6 Muklas communicate the impact digratiskannya all school needs students through the budget since 2011, making the school more focused boost performance. Students also become more disciplined and there is no excuse absences for school fees in arrears.

"If there are truant and caught the police force of the civil service, the terms principals, teacher guidance, and counseling or homeroom and parents must pick up. So, right, shame, "said Muklas.
  • Focus earn a living

Free education program really felt, including parents. Winarto, residents Gedok, District Sananwetan, explained, with free education, parents stay focused for a living and support the needs of reference books for their children. "If here all truly free, even if it's bought his own uniform to spare," he said.

SMAN 3 Blitar Rudy Hartono also feel more focused schools no longer think of improving the quality of complicated matter of uniforms, shoes, and school stationery. All it needs is prepared Blitar city government.

"We can concentrate complete supporting facilities, like every class there is a hidden camera to monitor teaching and learning activities, complementary equipment and supporting learning, and finance students to join the race. "Every Monday if it could always be a trophy or an announcement about student achievement," he said.

School currently has 839 students from 26 local, with 75 percent of the original composition of the students and 25 percent of Blitar Blitar origin. Starting in 2016, the composition became 85 percent city and 15 percent of the district. "Students stay home district to pay tuition Rp 100,000, it was for the students of the incapable there are exempted or pay half of it," said Rudy.

Blitar City Government Efforts to eliminate school fees and provide a wide range of facilities supported tablet Blitar City Board of Education. Provision of facilities was considered useful and not in vain.

Internet is not synonymous cheap and low quality. "At least, we can supervise the quality of uniform or size. Given free facilities if the size is not fit or do not think about the growth of the students end up not quite, right, can not even be used, "said Chairman of the Board of Education of Blitar Dwi Sadewo.

He claimed also concerned about the provision of facilities to students tablets. But when it was prepared to support learning and facilitate access to electronic books, it is considered to be helping students. "Moreover, the device has been designed for gaming and can not open a porn site," said Dwi.

Breakthrough education initiated by the Mayor of Blitar Muhammad Anwar Samanhoedi not stop there. Gradually all targeted students using a tablet. Even started in 2016, had planned every student get pocket money in the form of vouchers or cards like credit cards.

If students live school snacks exchange vouchers or swiping the card. Innovation that will be safe and trouble and move it involves banking. "I want students to school in Blitar City just supposing capital knee. If there are reluctant to school, yes, kebangetan, "said Samanhoedi.

  • Tuition assistance

Even the start of this year, every student of SMA / SMK Blitar who go to college immediately get money USD 1 million. Requirement students showed evidence accepted in universities, both public and private. "You're going to college where?" He asked the Princess Afina Cahyani, SMAN 3 Blitar who are following the national praujian.

Afina answer will pursue graduate studies at the University of Airlangga, Surabaya. "Oh, I'll be money $ 1 million," he said to laughter from the students.

According Samanhoedi, a program which that idea interrelated. Money USD 1 million to stimulate the spirit of the citizens of Blitar for continuing education as high. Free and free school transport is also expected to improve the welfare of the citizens.

Deserted city passenger transport contract is automatically earn money from the budget, they do not need to scramble passenger school children. "Outside of hours to and from school, the driver can carry passengers common," he said.

In addition to paying attention to the world of education, the Government of Blitar also rolling program moving micro, small, and medium enterprises (SMEs), to provide venture capital to 1,500 businesses per year. Local residents are increasingly liberal economic boost because of various facilities, including taking care of business license and access to capital. At least affairs nil children's education and vendors more orderly. Residents, especially students, free access to the internet for free. This is the type of smart city that continues to open up opportunities for the intellectual youth.

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