New School Without Fear

Some schools chose to give an educational and enjoyable experience for the citizens of the new school. Student orientation period (MOS) at SMK 1 Pundong, Bantul, Yogyakarta, for example, is filled with the introduction of Javanese culture and tradition through various types of competitions. Some of them race, mewiru or folded jarik batik, Javanese Krama Inggil race, race sinoman or serving food and beverages according to Javanese tradition, as well as some traditional games, such as stilts and dakon.

Deputy Head of SMK 1 Pundong Sutapa Student Affairs said on Wednesday (29/7), various competitions it is also an effective means to teach manners to students. Competition Javanese Krama Inggil, for example, can instill the attitude of courtesy to the students. "Teenagers who can speak Javanese Krama Inggil it is usually too polite and respectful to others," he said. MOS in SMK 1 Pundong followed 256 students from four departments, namely the installation of electric power engineering, computer and network engineering, welding engineering, as well as audio and video techniques.

"Students who do not join the race, we invite other berkegiatan, namely cleaning graffiti on buildings around the school," he said. The new students SMK 1 Pundong also invited to provide assistance to orphanages in Bantul. "We do not want to fill the MOS with hazing action that is not educational. Hence, we hold activities that can provide benefits to students," said Sutapa.

One of the new students SMK 1 Pundong, Sugiyarti (15), said that, given the current tasks in the MOS school at all heavy. "We are, among others, brought instant noodles and rice to give to the orphanage," said Sugiyarti.

Good-natured senior

MOS in SMPN 11 South Tangerang, Banten, also designed make new students excited and proud to enter a new school. On the second day of MOS, Tuesday (28/7), new students get a clue how to be outstanding students from their seniors. "Parents do not worry because there is no guarantee on the part of school event held to educate the students' independence," said the principal of SMPN 11 Tangsel Komarudin.

For example, students were asked to present to the school over the morning school schedule for morning assembly, and listening material from the school environment and teachers seniors. It was so new students more familiar with the school.

"It is important to be taught to new students in the MOS independence, care for others, and the high social life," said Vice Principal of Student Affairs SMPN 11 Tangsel Evi Supenti.

At the school, MOS will be covered with art performances featuring the permissibility of the new students in the arts, which is commonly called "Demo Ekskul". The activity was aimed at directing students to channel their interests and talents.

"The activities that we expect MOS gives a sense of comfort when in a new school and new students met with teachers who protect senior sister and kind," said Evi. (

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