"The government has not been systematic effort to improve the competence of teachers. The amount of training that was held not proportional to the number of existing teachers," said Chairman of the Executive Board of the Indonesian Teachers Association (PGRI) Sulistiyo when contacted in Jakarta, Friday (31/7).
According to him, a lot of requests from teachers in a number of areas that the government conduct directed and continuous training. The times demand teachers are constantly updating knowledge and are able to master the technology.
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"Every year, only about 500 teachers in the district or city that has the opportunity to attend the training. In fact, the number of teachers in one district or city could reach 10,000 teachers," he said, describing conditions in the field. He considered, training is not in accordance with the needs of teachers. In addition, the implementation of the training program were also more often based projects without a clear evaluation.
Budget increased
Sulistiyo argues, the government needs to map the competence of teachers through a comprehensive test. Competency test must assess the professional aspect, pedagogic, individual, and social. Furthermore, teachers can be classified by competence so that the training program as needed.
In response, the Director General of Teachers and Education Personnel of the Ministry of Education and Culture Sumarna Surapranata say has begun to create a training program conceptualized.
"The test of competence for all teachers to be completed by the end of this year. Then, we will make 10 groups based on scores. Beginning in 2016, we will provide modules and training as needed," said Sumarna. Module 190 institute set up by a group of subjects and skills.
According Sumarna, there 700000-800000 teachers who receive training every year. "Next year, we want all the teachers received training. The budget will be increased training also reach 2-3 times more than before," he said. (B08)
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