How to Install Script Admob in Blogger or Wordpress

How do I install script AdMob in the sidebar Blogger or Wordpress? Are you looking for a way to show AdMob ads in the sidebar of a blog either at blogger or Wordpress sidebar in order to appear like google adsense ads or paid per click advertising program to another?

Find the answer in "tech blogs and online business" on the next paragraph.

In fact, bloggers are allergic type CMS with PHP script. WordPress CMS is built through a PHP script also have difficulty in installing scripts Admob ads in the sidebar or in the post. With the help Mippin, AdMob ads can be displayed on blogspot, Wordpress CMS also has a plugin that can display AdMob AdMob ads on a blog-type self-hosted wordpress.
But both ways are unfortunately "only works" if: visitors who access a blogger or wordpress blog type you are using mobile browsers like opera mini course. And what is the solution?

How to install script AdMob ads in the following bloggers are answers to questions in the comment box episodes »paid business tips Indonesia from Bli Gus Adit; mas lecturer who also consistently and seriously pursue the world of online business. I do not know how many hundreds of dollars that have been generated from this side business, paid reviews, google adsense and amazon forest seemed to ditapaki .. mak nyuss tenant gan he he ..
Because of concentration, until he catches a strange signal at each end of this blog post people oldest, LHA why there admobnya ad?

Tricks Admob how to install scripts in the following Blogger you can use also the wordpress blog, mobile blogs and websites that do not support any CMS with PHP or ASP scripts, provided that:

1. Have a Publisher ID Admob
On how to register as a publisher of AdMob and how to find where the loss of you oh id publisher, please refer to the tips »How To Know Publisher ID Admob

2. Register New Account at Mobile Site Builder
please access address via cell phone or computer, quiet wae registration instructions to adjust the state where you are.

Username (site name): caktomo, domain: there are lots of choices, the shorter the better,
select only: or, for example I use
hence the name of my future mobile site is
3. Making Artisan Script Delivery
free mobile web for converting admob.php to javascript
Continue from step two: after successfully registers in, login to according to name, domain and password.

Click Menu: File Finder / File Browser
Click 'Create File' / 'Create a file'
In the File Name write, for example: admob1.js
for the file type select: Text, click OK

Want me love AdMob title hacking script too scary, so mending make the script name in the motorcycle taxi drivers or fake Caucasian language for example: Admob Javascript Loader whose function is to convert the PHP script from AdMob into JavaScript that can be translated into a blog or CMS website that does not support PHP .Resume .. 

Click again menus: File Finder / File Browser
then click the file that you just created (admob1.js) the
just paste the following code in the text area provided on the editor

document.write ('<xt id = "ad" type = "AdMob" site = "publisher-idmu pren" />');
Description: replace publisher-idmu pren with publisher-id that you have to step 1
Example: Suppose you are a publisher id a417181945 then replace the publisher-idmu pren be: a417181945 

document.write('<xt id="ad" type="admob" site="a417181945" />');
click 'Save' / Save your AdMob javascript loader
until this step I assume you already have a file Admob Javascript Loader is located at:
It'S Done

4. Make the script fake

Lir Ilir script is a script that you plug into the blog so that AdMob ads can appear where you put the script below. Script javascript form standard, based on the second and third step, the script winch Fake like this: 

<script src = "" type = "text / javascript"> </ script>
If you want to advertise in the area AdMob blog post or by inserting into xml blogger, do not forget parsed first script code above Abal Abal so

& lt; script src = & quot; http: //; type = & quot; text / javascript & quot; & gt; & lt; / script & gt;
  put the code in the above code <data: post.body /> in the HTML template blog. please replace in accordance with the mobile web address and name of the file 'javascript motorcycle taxis' in the previous step,
Immediately, the test on account blogger or wordpress blog. Sudaah? if already singing for a while, 12, 3 ..

"Knowing the technology does not mean to forget the culture of their own country"

Such events how AdMob to install scripts in blogger, for those of you who are interested and unclear please write in the comment box, if you had an online again will soon be addressed. Steps to install, display, or (keyword that fit for any shoot ya ..: gak :) install script using AdMob AdMob plugin for bloggers style wong Katro tested at blog, and mobile web that do not support PHP. This is actually an old story for the owner of the mobile web, but is certain: all the tricks AdMob above using the license code "Queen Algrafo": Ora Tuku or FREE forever .. xixixi
Since again no events for grass and seems willing to heavy rain again, PLN would take a clothesline disco again .. once and scamper .. blurred. Thanks 4 Your Time

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